Selasa, 04 Desember 2007

My Blog

A blog is often a reflection of its writer. Because of this, you'll want to give your blog the type of name that captures who you are and what you're writing about. Blog writers often find their audience serendipitously; therefore, your blog name should be memorable and unique. Avoid names like "blog", "ramblings", or "writings", for they will not stand out in directories or listings (if you so desire the traffic). Be succinct and let your personality shine. Nicknames often work well, as well as catch words from books, sayings, or quotes

More About Izal_company
.............................. ayo comment akuw .............................

2 komentar:

@riceal mengatakan...


Anonim mengatakan...

di situs web resmi kami mengambil satu set besar artikel menarik di [url=][/url]

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yang ngeliat aq !!!

Jam Berapa??


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Cilacap, Jateng, Indonesia
Assalamualaikum, Wr.Wb... Q adalah manusia biasa yg lhr pd 21-09-1993.. happy...happy...happy....(always) hope can be like this... luv my family...luv my two sisters ... 'n always pray 2 the God Because NO BODY'S PERFECT IN THE WORLD SO I'M ORDINARY BOY.........